Paper accepted for the CBMS 2021 conference

We are excited to announce that our paper "Is it a good time to survey you? Cognitive load classification from Blood Volume Pulse" has been accepted a long paper for the 34th IEEE CBMS International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2021).


Papers and demo accepted for the AIME 2021 conference

We are happy to announce that two of our papers: "CAncer PAtients Better Life Experience (CAPABLE) first proof-of-concept demonstration" "Catching patient’s attention at the right time to help them undergo behavioural change: Stress classification experiment from Blood Volume Pulse" have been accepted as short and long papers, respectively, for the…


Paper accepted for the MIE2021 conference

We are excited to inform that our paper:"The Case Manager: Driving Medical Reasoning in a Distributed Environment for Home Patient Monitoring" has been accepted as a full paper for oral presentation at the 31st Medical Informatics Europe Conference (MIE2021)!