Anna Dumitriu and Alex May are deeply engaging with CAPABLE project to create new artworks that can be exhibited in a range of settings. Both artists have extensive experience in working with AI and wearable technologies and exploring the implications of emerging digital technologies in societal and cultural contexts. Together they will help CAPABLE reach out to diverse audiences across a range of contexts including art galleries, festivals and patient waiting areas, and enable the telling of complex stories in multi-layered, accessible ways through art objects, workshops, and discussion events.
PhysicAI Garden explores the complex AI component within the CAPABLE system that ensures that patients are not prescribed treatments (both pharmacological and non-pharmacological) that might interact badly with each other. It will take the form of digital garden, where virtual plants grow and interact with each other and with audiences. The plants each represent different treatments in the system based on a fictional test patient’s data and experiences and the algorithm and databases used within CAPABLE. The garden grows according to what treatments work well together and what treatments interact negatively. The project is inspired by notions of permaculture which puts plants that grow well together next to each other and considers the whole ecosystem. It’s also influenced by ideas around medicinal plants and in particular the concept of the Physic Garden as well as the virtual capsules in CAPABLE, which can enhance patient wellbeing by suggesting beneficial activities. These include (among others) growing plants from seed, photographing to express feelings and moods, and walking. The work will exist as an interactive gallery installation and also as a 2D work for hospitals and possibly 3D printed work or as a building projection. Dumitriu and May are also exploring e-textiles and notions of sharing data within the context of the project.