Francesco De Lorenzo, President of Aimac and Project Partner of CAPABLE, has been re-elected President of the European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC) which brings together more than 470 associations in Europe.
“Science with and for society – states De Lorenzo – together with Policy, represent the most important pillars for patient outcomes, in which ECPC will be involved in the next three years. Cancer research in Europe must closely align with the needs of patients, making them co-creators of their own health, as established by the recommendations of the Mission on Cancer to provide answers to their needs, from prevention to therapeutic treatments, from rehabilitation to quality of life, up to the return to normal life of the people cured by cancer and up to living with cancer if their condition so requires. These goals could be reached with the direct participation of patient associations in research projects, as stated in the Document shared by the Council of Research Ministers: Principles of Successful Patient Involvement in Cancer Research”.
For more details, see the news.