5th Consortium Meeting in Pavia

It’s finally going to happen ! 

After three online Consortium Meetings caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the next 5th CM will be held in a hybrid mode in Pavia, Italy. Specifically, it will be hosted by the University of Pavia (UNIPV) – the Leader of the CAPABLE Project. The meeting will be held on July 12-13, 2022.

The pictures below show Pavia’s beautiful and historical city center and are taken by Francesco Bianco. 

The first picture presents the big dome of the cathedral (2nd largest in Italy) and the “covered” bridge i.e. “ponte vecchio” – one of the few examples of bridges covered with a roof. 

The second image presents the Ticino River with the typical boats on it, along with a big building which looks like a monastery, but actually it is one of UNIPV’s colleges – the Borromeo. 

Pavia was known in the middle ages as “the city of 100 towers”. These days only few are still standing – all close to main square of UNIPV.