The 3rd Consortium Meeting was held on 22-23 June 2021. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic it was still on-line. Despite this, we spent two very productive days discussing the current work progress, results and plans.
The meeting started with a brief discussion concerning the administrative issues. Then, representatives of non-technical Work Packages (WPs) presented their progress and after each presentation, there was a short Q&A session. Moreover, members of the Task Force 2 (TF2) presented another running CAPABLE system demo. All other participants, including clinicians and patient representatives, could observe how the modules cooperate with each other and create a powerful system.
The second day was focused on technical WPs. The team in charge of preparing the Physician and Patient apps presented the advanced UI mockups. During that session we also discussed about smartphone selection, taking into consideration many different aspects, e.g., the required OS version. Part of the WP4 presentation also covered initial results on testing Asus smartwatches and the OmniCare cloud platform for synchronizing and storing sensor data. Finally, the artist involved in the CAPABLE project showed their first visions of presenting the CAPABLE system and its functions. More information will be provided soon.
While the meeting was very interesting and fruitful, we strongly hope that the next one will finally take place in person in one of the consortium members’ cities, as initially planned.